Slideshow Options |
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This window allows you to set all slideshow options. A slideshow allows you to automatically load the next image after a predefined delay time.
Delay The delay specifies after how many seconds the next page will automatically load.
At end Select the At end action to specify what happens after the last image has been loaded.
Go to index page The index page will be loaded after the last image.
Restart The first image will be loaded after the last image.
Stop The slideshow will stop at the last image.
Add Start/Stop button
To allow users of your slideshow to temporary stop and restart an image gallery, add a Start/Stop button. You can specify button properties in the Navigation Options window.
Status bar messages
The time remaining until the next image is loaded can be shown in the status bar of the Browser window. The text fields allow you to modify all parts of the slideshow status bar messages.
Technical information
For several advanced slideshow features like the Start/Stop button and status bar messages JavaScript will be added to the generated HTML pages. Simple galleries will be created by adding a META refresh tag to the HTML page headers.
Tip To automatically start the slideshow on your web site, link directly to the first image page instead of the index page.